Gender Equality


Main principles

INSA upholds a number of values and its history is part of an innovative approach that includes welcoming and supporting diverse groups. In line with the social outreach programmes of the grandes écoles, INSA has for several years been committed to a proactive equal opportunities policy with the aim of effectively and sustainably reducing the social, cultural and territorial inequalities inherent in the education system by investing its culture and knowledge in secondary schools to raise students' awareness of scientific culture, encourage ambition and stimulate career interests.


Les programmes développés par l’Institut Gaston Berger répondent tous à cette volonté de décloisonner les filières pour construire des passerelles entre l’enseignement secondaire, l’enseignement supérieur et le monde de l’entreprise. Ils présentent différents objectifs selon leur contenu et le public ciblé :

  • ● CAP'SCIENCES, which includes activities for secondary school students to explore the sciences, as well as incentive programmes to encourage BTS (advanced vocational training certificate) and CPGE (grandes écoles preparatory classes) students to pursue long-term studies.
  • ● CAP'INSA, which includes an upstream programme and a support system after their admission to INSA for secondary school students who have signed an agreement with INSA Lyon.


Many actors are involved in these activities: secondary school teaching staff; lecturers and researchers; research laboratories; dedicated INSA support services (Student Social Services Department, Personalised Advice and Support Service); engineering students; engineers, etc. These people are all contributing to significant social progress aimed at achieving social fairness by reducing inequalities between individuals while respecting their culture, an essential value of the INSA ecosystem, whose model promotes the education of citizen engineers who are responsible and open to the world.