Institut Gaston Berger
Addressing the issues faced by the institution
The Institut Gaston Berger is a think and do tank whose mission is to support the strategic development of the school around four development issues that specifically concern it:
- Promoting the values of the model and enhancing the INSA brand: visibility, specific features
- Contributing to training developments: training tomorrow's engineers
- Synergy between education and research on five INSA research issues
- Transforming itself based on the ‘polytechnicum’ model: combining engineering, architecture, design and management
At the crossroads of disciplines, research and activity
The Institut Gaston Berger's approach is based on two phases, around the key themes that interest it and supported by a network of multiple partners (institutions, associations and companies).
- Monitoring and Foresight
This approach is thus based on a system of chairs and a monitoring unit to think about the engineer of tomorrow around the features of the INSA model and changes in society. The IGB thus brings together research in the Human and Social Sciences around issues in engineering research, the INSA model and business issues, while monitoring and analysing the career paths of engineering students according to their social or geographical background, gender and prior educational attainment. The Institut Gaston Berger has thus created a monitoring centre dedicated to recording the richness of its ecosystem and the practices of the grandes écoles.
- Thinking, designing, experimenting, operating and evaluating
The aim of this phase is to create and manage incentive and support programmes to make engineering courses more attractive to all types of students and to guarantee the conditions for their success. Finally, the IGB helps to design training modules on the issue of creativity, responsibility and building students’ career plans.