Computer science
The digital sector, which is currently under pressure, is the subject of much research in the human and social sciences because it offers opportunities for young graduates who are not necessarily interested in the disciplines and professions it covers. Computer science suffers from many preconceptions and prejudices (such as the ‘myth of self-education’) that it is important to understand in order to help students get a better picture of it and to consider it as an option. Finally, as a subject that is still perceived as male-dominated, it is essential to incorporate gender into this issue.
The Institut Gaston Berger is leading an internal INSA working group on this subject and is proposing action in various areas:
Field research, sending a questionnaire to all students starting first year in 2017 and 2018 to find out about their perceptions and past experiences with computers.
Training, through the deployment of an educational project based on the results of the questionnaire and the organisation of a conference on gender stereotypes for all engineering students in the IT department.
These projects were made possible thanks to close collaboration with the FIMI department and the IT department’s Women and IT Committee.
These projects were made possible thanks to close collaboration with the FIMI department and the IT department’s Women and IT Committee.
Information for the general public is available thanks to a conference by Isabelle Collet that can be watched online.
Incentive programmes for secondary schools, as part of the CAP'INFO Parcours d’Excellence project (link colleges-lycées-INSA).
Legal framework
‘The Ministry of Women’s Rights, the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs and representatives of the digital sector intend to activate various levers to promote gender diversity, by acting on the representation of professions in public opinion, student guidance, career changes, recruitment and training’. They have thus made a joint commitment by signing a Sector-wide Digital Diversity Plan.
- Lycé et numérique : des métiers porteurs d’emplois, méconnus et ignorés ? Talents du Numérique, 2018.
- Surveys and Practical Guides written by Social Builder.
- Attractivité des métiers du numérique et de l'ingénierie pour les publics féminins en France, OPIIEC, 2016.
- Femmes du numérique, 2015.
Getting to equal : how digital is helping close the gender gap at work, Accenture, 2016.
Computer graphics: Women in Tech
- The Computer Society of France (SIF) and its Femmes et informatique (women and IT) news feed.
- Femmes du numérique
- Maison des Mathématiques et de l'Informatique (MMI)
- Talents du numérique (digital talent) and its Femmes@numérique group
- Duchess France
- Social Builder
- Fondation L Digital, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Group to promote women’s place in the digital world
Initiatives and resources
- ELL'O WEB programme run by OPE in Lyon, Grenoble, Valence and surrounding areas.
- Computer training course for secondary school students, Girls can Code!, run by the Prologin association.
- Article on the website of the institut EgaliGone : Intéresser les filles comme les garçons aux métiers du numérique.
- Class'Code offers a free training programme for anyone wishing to introduce young people aged 8 to 14 to computer literacy.
- ‘Girls and computers: a winning combination’, an event organised by the MMI.
- Video presentation on the digital professions by Syntec Numérique.
- Set of videos on the digital professions, available on the Pasc@line website.
- ‘Proud to be a developer’ video by the Duchess France association.
- L'école du genre: session on Gender and IT.
- Lecture series Hubertine est une Geek of the Centre Hubertine Auclert.
- Posters Femmes et numérique - Changeons les codes ! of the Centre Hubertine Auclert.
- Game of 7 computer families created by the INRIA (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology).
- BERNHEIM Aude et VINCENT Flora, L’intelligence artificielle, pas sans elles !, 2019, Paris : Belin, Coll. Égale à égal.
- COLLET Isabelle, « La disparition des filles dans les études d'informatique : les conséquences d'un changement de représentation », Carrefours de l'éducation [en ligne], 2004, Vol. 1, N° 17, p. 42-56.
- COLLET Isabelle, L'informatique a-t-elle un sexe ? Hackers, mythes et réalités, 2006, Paris : L’Harmattan.
- COLLET Isabelle, "Effet de genre : le paradoxe des études d'informatique", tic&société [en ligne], 2011, Vol. 5, N° 1.
- De nombreuses publications sur le site du Gender@Telecom, Groupe d’enseignement et de recherche sur le genre.
- Le Café pédagogique : Dossier Le numérique a-t-il un sexe ?
- Société informatique de France (SIF), "Femmes & Informatique", 1024 - Bulletin de la société informatique de France, numéro HS2, mars 2017.